Charity Shop Bowl Lamp

On a weekend trip down in Lymington, my partner and I went to a handful of Charity Shops. I happened to see this lovely little wooden bowl that reminded me of a desk lamp fixture. With the Festival of Fast Making deadline approaching, I bought the bowl for a pound and hatched an idea to deconstruct a desk lamp and replace the fixture that holds the light with the wooden bowl. I searched for hours on facebook marketplace for a lamp that would work for the idea. I quickly realised that the bowl was fairly small for a typical desk lamp so I opted for a lamp that had a skinny led as the light source. I also was unsure if I was going to be able to re-use the lamp base and support arm but with the lamp I chose, I decided I would construct the base and support arm on my own.


Surfboard Fin Tab Moulding Table


Surfboard Fins