Gogasian Christo Exhibition

The Christo Exhibition at the Gogasian Open was recommended to us (DM students) by Bridget. The Gallery space was immediately what stood out to me. An old historic house in Spitalfields seemed like the perfect space to hold this exhibition of Christo’s early works. The works were several different items wrapped in what looked like plastic wrap, about to be moved from one location to another. The works showed an element of migration from Christo’s experience as a political refugee. The space emulated this same feeling from it’s history of originally being built by Huguenot migrants and housing several different refugees since.

To be honest, I didn’t quite understand the significance of the works and the house at first. Once I read the information regarding the space and works, I finally understood. This overarching feeling of migration and seeking refuge really stood out to me.

This exhibition has taught me how important the context behind the works you produce is and how much the space they are shown in matters. To have pieces of Christo’s work shown in this similar contextual space is sort of mind blowing to me. I wonder how the curator gained access to the space, where exactly did the idea begin? Did the curator have access to the space and then think to show Christo’s pieces in the space? Or did the curator have access to Christo’s pieces and then gain access to the space? These questions also make me wonder, how would these pieces be interpreted in a different space? How would different pieces in this space change the perspective of those pieces?

In this exhibition, the importance of the pieces are matched by the importance of the space. This exhibition really showed me how important the space your works are shown in can change the way they are seen/felt/heard.


Whisk handle update


Bedside table update